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VSys Live VOXI Settings

VOXI, the engine which drives VSys Live, has some advanced settings which are configured manually via its VSys.ini file (the one that VOXI.exe is in, not the VSys.ini file on any workstations). All of the below are set in the [VOXI] section of that file.

Enables the posting of diagnostic timing records to the voxilogs table. This is an expensive operation (time) as each request may generate dozens of voxilogs records, and uses up a substantial amount of disk space.

By default VOXI logs all commands and their results to the voxilogs table. It can also log complete requests and the results from those and will do so if diskLogging=2. Set diskLogging=-1 to prevent all such logs. This is helpful for performance reasons, but limits diagnostic abilities using the VOXI logs monitoring tool in VSys One.

Logs various thread creation and errors to a disk file.

For the command jobs.find, if no MaxCount parameter is provided, VOXI will return no more than this number of matching job openings.

If no Max parameter is provided to jobs.find, VOXI searches for sixty days from the effective Min date (that Min date defaults to the current date if not provided explicitly). The FindJobsDefaultMaxWindow setting, if defined, sets how far out from Min date VOXI should search for available openings.

The various location query commands will attempt to use the Google Maps API when locations are returned, if the location hasn't been geocoded. Setting this value prevents that. This is usually only required in heavily locked-down environments in which VOXI is unable to get to the Google Maps API. If the command loc.list and its variants seem inordinately slow, try this setting.


Disables the localization tools, has the same effect as not putting the VSys.bld file in the same folder as VOXI.exe.


VOXI’s listening port is defined with the Port setting. Absent a value here, VOXI will listen on port 80.

Engine retirement

VOXI will "retire" processing engines (think Blade Runner) after they've reached a certain age or lifetime activity. Configure the retirement behavior with two settings. MaxEngineLife is the maximum permitted lifetime, in minutes, of an engine; MaxEngineOperations is the maximum permitted number of requests that an engine may have processed:


Tells VOXI to start up using the settings for the given defined VSys Live site. If the site doesn't exist or is not defined to use alternate behavior (its own website settings) then VOXI will use the default global settings instead.


VOXI listens by default on a second port – 8080 – to which monitor requests can be sent. Any HTTP GET or POST request returns the basic status of VOXI.

<VOXIMONITOR CommandVersion="" Version="">
<STATUS ActiveRequests="0" Now="2011/07/16 00:31:43.971">
<DATABASE Name="temp2" ServerName="NexusDB" Address="Ishmael"/>
<ENGINES Active="0" Available="0"/>

Requests on this port do not use any database connections nor any processing engines, and so are more likely to be responded to if VOXI itself has encountered problems. The port on which VOXI listens for monitoring requests can be set:

The current status can also be retrieved with an HTTP GET request to /status/ on the current primary port. Note that calls to /status/ require a processing engine to complete; if VOXI is having problems allocating or using processing engines, a request on the monitoring port is more likely to succeed.

It is critical that VOXI's monitoring port is never made accessible to the outside world, and that no outside agent can call VOXI's /status/.

See Also

VSys Live

What is VSys Live?

How is VSys Live Different from VSys Web?

VSys Live Requirements

VSys Live Alternate Configuration

VSys Live Sites

VSys Live Invitation Codes

VSys Live Account Activation Letters

VSys Live and Trainings

Approve/Reject Applications

Approve/Reject Volunteer-Entered Hours

Recently Cancelled Assignments

Recently Cancelled Trainings

Assignments Needing Approval

Who's Checked In

Who's Missing

VSys Live Lockouts

VOXI Trace Monitor

VSys Live Self-Run Reports Queue

VSys Live Site Structure

Using VSys Live for Employee Volunteer Management