VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Recently Cancelled Trainings

You may need a quick way to see what trainings have been cancelled, especially if you allow you volunteers to cancel their own trainings.

Steps in this task

  1. From the VSys Live panel under Tools, select Recently cancelled trainings.
  2. Enter filters by Subjects, Groups, People types, etc.
  3. Click on Get records. VSys brings up the matching trainings.
  4. Make any changes to these records. If appropriate, click Save to commit those changes.

On the right-click menu

Right-click on a training to work with it or the student associated with it.


Edits this training's properties (Status, Expiration date, etc.)


Opens up the training but in read-only mode.


Deletes (or un-deletes) the training.


View, Edit, Send a letter for or add/remove the volunteer to/from lists.

Changes that you make here do not take effect until you've clicked the Save button.

If you delete a training, rather than cancel it, that training will not show up here or anywhere else for that matter. Once it's deleted and saved, it's gone for good.

See Also

VSys Live

What is VSys Live?

How is VSys Live Different from VSys Web?

VSys Live Requirements

VSys Live Alternate Configuration

VSys Live Sites

VSys Live VOXI Settings

VSys Live Invitation Codes

VSys Live Account Activation Letters

VSys Live and Trainings

Approve/Reject Applications

Approve/Reject Volunteer-Entered Hours

Recently Cancelled Assignments

Assignments Needing Approval

Who's Checked In

Who's Missing

VSys Live Lockouts

VOXI Trace Monitor

VSys Live Self-Run Reports Queue

VSys Live Site Structure

Using VSys Live for Employee Volunteer Management