VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Approve/Reject Applications

Depending on how you configure the application form, applications entered via VSys Live may come through as Approved or Pending approval. Use the Web Applications Approval Manager to work with these applications and the people who submitted them. Open this tool from the VSys Live panel using the Approve/reject applications link.
Linked Graphic

  1. Use the Application types, Statuses, Requested departments, Requested sites, Entered between and VSys Live sites values to choose which applications to show. (Requested departments and Requested sites will only appear as filters if you've defined one or more values for these fields.)
  2. Click the Get applications button to retrieve all relevant applications. Note only applications which are designated for use with VSys Live are available here.
  3. Right-click on applications to change their statuses or work with the people who submitted them.
  4. Click the Save button to commit any changes to the applications.

On the right-click menu


Print this application.


Associates comments with this application, not the person. Useful for making notes to coordinate with other users who are also processing applications.

Change approval status

Changes the approval status (as distinct from the application's status).

Change status

Quickly change the status of just this application.

Application handler

Sets the application handler for this application; only available if one or more application handlers have been defined.


View the changes to the application's properties.

Send applicant a letter

Merges the applicant with the selected letter template.

Edit applicant

Edits the applicant in the Profile editor.


Add/remove this person to/from lists.

Special/Try to update application to handle unlinked fields

Only appears if the submitted application has one or more fields on it which are not present in the application's current layout. Clicking this link causes VSys to try to create a new application layout which includes the now-missing fields. If VSys is successful, it saves the layout to an XML file that you can then import into the application designer.


Select All, None, or Reverse the checkbox selections of visible applications.

Selected applications

Send a letter, change the status, or add/remove the people for the selected applications to/from lists.

Your security rights may limit the applications which are shown here.

See Also

VSys Live

What is VSys Live?

How is VSys Live Different from VSys Web?

VSys Live Requirements

VSys Live Alternate Configuration

VSys Live Sites

VSys Live VOXI Settings

VSys Live Invitation Codes

VSys Live Account Activation Letters

VSys Live and Trainings

Approve/Reject Volunteer-Entered Hours

Recently Cancelled Assignments

Recently Cancelled Trainings

Assignments Needing Approval

Who's Checked In

Who's Missing

VSys Live Lockouts

VOXI Trace Monitor

VSys Live Self-Run Reports Queue

VSys Live Site Structure

Using VSys Live for Employee Volunteer Management