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Security Reports

Security reports detail people who have security (login) rights to VSys, along with those rights and their recent actions.

When to use this report

Steps in this task

  1. Click on the Security link from the Reports panel.

    Linked Graphic

  2. Select a saved or built-in report.
  3. Choose to show enabled, disabled or users regardless of enabled status.
  4. Select superusers, non-superusers or both standard and superusers.
  5. Click Print to run the report.


Linked Graphic

Sample 2, including actions log

Linked Graphic

See Also


Report Concepts

Account Records

Assignment Calendars

Assignment Calendars (RTF)

Assignments Listings Reports

Awards Reports

Comments Reports

Configuration Reports

Demographics Reports

Expiring Certifications Reports

Hours Reports

Hours Summaries Reports

Hours Summaries Grids Reports

Interview Reports

Invalid Addresses Reports

Job Associations Reports

Job Definition Reports




People Reports

Phone Lists Report

Profiles Report

Program Statistics Report

Recurring Assignments Report

Relationships Report

Lists Report

Slot Details

Slot Summaries Report

Summary/Crosstab Reports

Survey Details Report

Survey Summaries Report

Training Reports

Who's Checked In Report

Who's Late/No-show Report

Advanced Reporting Tools

Custom Column Reports

Advanced/Custom Reports