VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Custom Fields

Custom fields are user-defined fields of different types. You can associate custom fields with different types of people, creating fields that VSys One does not have. Custom fields defined within a project are only available within that project. Those defined globally are available everywhere, including within all projects. For custom fields which will likely vary in value from one project to another, define the custom field within each project. You can print custom fields on many reports and include them in mail merges and exports, as well as filter people by custom field values.

How to Use

Define custom fields globally from the Setup panel by clicking on Custom fields. For project-specific custom fields, right-click on the project's name from the Projects panel and select Setup (custom fields).

Click on a custom field's name to edit its properties, or on the Add new field link to create a new custom field.
Linked Graphic

Example Custom Field

Field Basics

These properties are common to most (or all) custom fields.


This is the text that appears next to the field in various editors and is used to select this field for reporting. Note changing the field's name does not affect any data already stored for this field: VSys uses an internal, hidden ID code for matching the data to the field.

Type of data

See Custom Field Data Types.

Applicable to what types of things

Custom fields can be applicable to various types of people as well as to groups, jobs, locations and interviews.


If any groups are checked here, a person must be a member of at least one in order for this field to be applicable.

When no value has been entered...

See Custom Field Default Values.

Tab to appear on, Override default sizes

See Custom Field Where to Show This Field

In This Section

Custom Field Data Types

Custom Field Where to Show this Field

Custom Field List and Checklist Hints

Deleting a Custom Field

Changing Custom Field Types

Custom Field Default Values

See Also


System Preferences and Feature Enabling

Accounts and Outcomes

Attachment Types

Awards Types

Bonus Hours Rules


Comment Types

E-mail Attachments


Group Types


Interview Types



Label Types


Mandate Types

Membership Types

People types, names and statuses

Project Groups


Supervisors Setup


Training Setup
