VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Interview Reports

Interview reports allow you see information about interviews, interviewees and interviewers entered in VSys One. Use these to:

Steps in this task

  1. From the Reports panel click on Interviews.
    Interview reports screen showing Interviews this Week settings
  2. If the Select saved report window opens, choose the saved or built-in report you would like to use and click Select. Or click on the Load settings link under Tools to bring up a list of options.
  3. On the Settings panel filter by Interview types, Status, Results, etc.
  4. On the left navigation bar, choose any Sorting for your report. Click the Add sort link to add a sort. The (no page break)/with page break links add a page break when this field changes. Toggle the up and down arrows to change the direction of the sort.
  5. Set your Output options.
  6. Click Print.

Sample Interview Report: Interviews scheduled

Sample Interview Report: Interviews scheduled

Sample Interview Report: Completed Interviews

Sample Interview Report: Completed Interviews

See Also


Report Concepts

Account Records Reports

Assignment Calendars (RTF/PDF) Reports

Assignment Listings Reports

Attached Files Reports

Awards Reports

Banned People Reports

Comments Reports

Configuration Reports

Custom Column Reports

Demographics Reports

Directory Listings Reports

Expiring Certifications Reports

Hours Detail Reports

Hours Summaries Reports

Invalid Addresses Reports

Job Associations Reports

Job Definition Reports

Job Value Measurements Reports

Late/No-show Reports

Mandate Reports

Membership Reports


People Reports

Phone and E-mail Address Lists Reports

Profile Reports

Program Statistics Reports

Recurring Assignments Reports

Relationships Reports

Security Reports

Lists Report

Slot Calendar Reports

Slot Details Reports

Slot Summaries Reports

Summary/Crosstab Reports

Survey Details Reports

Survey Summaries Reports

Training Reports

Who's Checked In Reports

Advanced Reporting Tools

Advanced/Custom Reports