VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Custom Column Reports

In Custom Column reports you can choose what information is displayed by dragging-and-dropping available fields onto the list of fields to be printed. VSys handles formatting the report and sizing the columns.

Steps in this task

  1. On the Reports panel click on Custom column (it's under Custom).
    Custom column reports screen showing Volunteers with DOB, kioks and e-mail settings
  2. Optionally load a built-in or saved report by clicking on Load settings.
  3. Select your Initial source. This is the type of records you want to use and will determine what fields you can include on the report. Think of it as the big topic for the report, or where in the person's profile you would find this information.
  4. Set a Report title, this will print at the top of each page.
  5. Open up Fields to include. Use the plus sign to open the categories of fields, then scroll through the list of pipelines, and the fields in them, on the left (Available fields). Drag the fields you want to the right (Included fields). Each field will become a column on the report.
    Re-arrange fields by dragging them up or down on the list.
    Remove a field by dragging it back over to the left section.
  6. Optionally check Landscape printing to have VSys rotate the paper so it's wider than it is tall.
  7. Check Use multiple lines if needed to have the fields wrap into multiple lines for each record. If this is checked and VSys does wrap lines, it will include a line between each record to make the report easier to read.
  8. Select a Font size.
  9. Add totals and subtotals to your report.
  10. Set your filters. These will filter the records being printed (account records, certifications, memberships, etc.) and the person associated with that record.
  11. Use the Add another filter link to add any additional filters.
  12. Edit the title, width, or alignment of any included field by right-clicking on it and selecting Edit.
  13. Choose any Sorting for your report. Click the Add sort link to add a sort. The (no page break)/with page break links add a page break when this field changes. Toggle the up and down arrows to change the direction of the sort.
  14. Set your Output options.
  15. Click the Print button to run the report.

While exporting to Excel is an option for this report, the Advanced Exporter (User tools panel) makes a much better export. Custom column reports will work in Excel, but contain formatting, limit the number of visible columns and don't work as well as a direct export.

Sample Custom Column Report: Volunteers with DOB, kiosk and e-mail

Sample Custom Column Report: Volunteers with DOB, kiosk and e-mail

Sample Custom Column Report: Account records in a year

Sample Custom Column Report: Account records in a year

Sample Custom Column Report: Awards given a year

Sample Custom Column Report: Awards given a year

Sample Custom Column Report: Assignments for the next 30 days

Sample Custom Column Report: Assignments for the next 30 days

Sample Custom Column Report: Hours in the past 30 days

Sample Custom Column Report: Hours in the past 30 days

Sample Custom Column Report: Trainings in a year

Sample Custom Column Report: Trainings in a year

Sample Custom Column Report: Kiosk user IDs

Sample Custom Column Report: Kiosk user IDs

Sample Custom Column Report: Assignment crediting details

Sample Custom Column Report: Assignment crediting details

Additional Custom Column Reports

Samples of all these reports can be viewed within VSys.

In This Section

Adding Subtotals and Totals to Custom Column Reports

Custom Column Report Formats

See Also


Report Concepts

Account Records Reports

Assignment Calendars (RTF/PDF) Reports

Assignment Listings Reports

Attached Files Reports

Awards Reports

Banned People Reports

Comments Reports

Configuration Reports

Demographics Reports

Directory Listings Reports

Expiring Certifications Reports

Hours Detail Reports

Hours Summaries Reports

Interview Reports

Invalid Addresses Reports

Job Associations Reports

Job Definition Reports

Job Value Measurements Reports

Late/No-show Reports

Mandate Reports

Membership Reports


People Reports

Phone and E-mail Address Lists Reports

Profile Reports

Program Statistics Reports

Recurring Assignments Reports

Relationships Reports

Security Reports

Lists Report

Slot Calendar Reports

Slot Details Reports

Slot Summaries Reports

Summary/Crosstab Reports

Survey Details Reports

Survey Summaries Reports

Training Reports

Who's Checked In Reports

Advanced Reporting Tools

Advanced/Custom Reports