VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Survey Summaries Reports

These reports summarize the results of surveys conducted via the kiosk. For example it will tell how many people answered "yes" to "Are you attending our Volunteer luncheon?" - not specifically who answered "yes". And demographic information is not available for responses to surveys which were marked as anonymous when the survey was taken.

Survey summary reports are not run to a printer. Due to the nature of their design, they are exported to an Excel file instead where the results can more easily be manipulated.

Steps in this task

  1. From the VSys One home screen, go to the Reports panel and click on the Survey summaries link.
    Survey summaries reports screen
  2. If the Select saved report window opens, choose the saved or built-in report you would like to use and click Select. Or click on the Load settings link under Tools to bring up a list of options.
  3. On the Settings panel enter a title for the report along with filters on the survey type and dates completed.
  4. Optionally filter on the survey respondents themselves.
  5. Set your Output options for the file to be created with the results. Remember that VSys creates an Excel file here, not a printed report.
  6. Click Run to execute the report and export the data.

Each survey and each question on that survey will be summarized showing the number of responses each question received along with the number of unique respondents.

Sample Survey Summaries Report

Sample Survey Summaries Report

See Also


Report Concepts

Account Records Reports

Assignment Calendars (RTF/PDF) Reports

Assignment Listings Reports

Attached Files Reports

Awards Reports

Banned People Reports

Comments Reports

Configuration Reports

Custom Column Reports

Demographics Reports

Directory Listings Reports

Expiring Certifications Reports

Hours Detail Reports

Hours Summaries Reports

Interview Reports

Invalid Addresses Reports

Job Associations Reports

Job Definition Reports

Job Value Measurements Reports

Late/No-show Reports

Mandate Reports

Membership Reports


People Reports

Phone and E-mail Address Lists Reports

Profile Reports

Program Statistics Reports

Recurring Assignments Reports

Relationships Reports

Security Reports

Lists Report

Slot Calendar Reports

Slot Details Reports

Slot Summaries Reports

Summary/Crosstab Reports

Survey Details Reports

Training Reports

Who's Checked In Reports

Advanced Reporting Tools

Advanced/Custom Reports