VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Slot Details Reports

Where slot summary reports look at job slots and assignments made explicitly to those job slots, slot detail reports can give you far more information, and can work with and look at job assignments which are not explicitly associated with each job slot. Use them to see:

Find these reports on the Reports panel under Slot details.

Slot detail reports screen showing Slots Details settings

How they work

Slot detail reports internally break every job slot into 15 minute increments, then find all people who are assigned to that job slot specifically, or have a job assignment which is for the same job and location and which overlaps the job slot.

Let's use an example: you have two job slots (openings) every weekday, answering questions and guiding visitors at the reception desk. You need three people doing this job in the morning from 7am to noon, and two in the afternoon, from noon to 8pm. For this example, let's look at just Monday.

You need to know, for every day, when this opening is fully staffed, and when you may need to bring people in from other departments or use your floating volunteers. So, what's your status on Monday?





Jim Smith

Want three people, have one, need two more


Jim Smith, Jane Doe

Want three people, have two, need one more


Jane Doe, Kate Brown

Want three people, have two, need one more


Jane Doe, Kate Brown, Alexis Cray

Want two people, have three.


Kate Brown, Alexis Cray

Want two people, have two.


Alexis Cray

Want two people, have one, need one more.

Notice how even though Kate's assignment crosses the time boundaries for the job slots, this report appropriately allocates part of her time to the morning opening, part to the afternoon. Alexis' assignment runs past the end of the afternoon job slot, but that's okay. (If there was a 9pm-midnight job slot, this last hour of her assignment would get allocated there.)

Only assignments with a status of "Normal" or "Pending approval" are considered in these reports. Any other assignments are ignored and not counted towards fulfilling a slot's needs.

In This Section

Slot Details Reports: Job Slots

Slot Details Reports: Slots Details

Slot Details Reports: Slots with Volunteer Details

Slot Details Reports: Slot Periods

Slot Details Reports: Slots with Periods and Volunteer Details

Slot Details Reports: Slots with Volunteer and Crediting Status

See Also


Report Concepts

Account Records Reports

Assignment Calendars (RTF/PDF) Reports

Assignment Listings Reports

Attached Files Reports

Awards Reports

Banned People Reports

Comments Reports

Configuration Reports

Custom Column Reports

Demographics Reports

Directory Listings Reports

Expiring Certifications Reports

Hours Detail Reports

Hours Summaries Reports

Interview Reports

Invalid Addresses Reports

Job Associations Reports

Job Definition Reports

Job Value Measurements Reports

Late/No-show Reports

Mandate Reports

Membership Reports


People Reports

Phone and E-mail Address Lists Reports

Profile Reports

Program Statistics Reports

Recurring Assignments Reports

Relationships Reports

Security Reports

Lists Report

Slot Calendar Reports

Slot Summaries Reports

Summary/Crosstab Reports

Survey Details Reports

Survey Summaries Reports

Training Reports

Who's Checked In Reports

Advanced Reporting Tools

Advanced/Custom Reports