VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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VSys Live Site Settings

From the VSys Live panel, click on VSys Live site and settings, then on a particular site.
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VSys Live settings

The basics include information which is shown on every page of your VSys Live website.



Favicon graphic

Any .ico, PNG or JPEG image can be loaded as a favicon graphic.

Site URL

This is the URL under which your site is expected to be shown.

Site name

Description for your own use.

Root page, Root page for logged-in visitors

When a person visits your VSys Live website, if they don't enter a path in the browser they will be shown the page you select here. You can specify different pages for logged-in and not-logged-in visitors. VSys won't let you select a page that's not valid for that logged-in status.

404 page

If a visitor to your VSys Live website enters an invalid path, VSys Live will show them this page.

Permalink display page

When a permalink is displayed, VSys Live will use this page as the "holder" page in which to display the permalink's content.

Base CSS and JavaScript

If you've defined any CSS and JavaScript options settings, choosing one of them here will use that option's CSS and JavaScript for all pages on this site. Any CSS or JavaScript that you enter specifically for the site or on individual pages will add to the CSS/JavaScript you select here.

Site metadata

VSys Live site metadata tells VSys One about VSys Live:

For VSys One to properly configure VSys Live, VSys One needs to know these things. You can give that setup to VSys One by telling it where VSys Live is installed. If you do that, then VSys One can fetch the metadata itself when you click Get from website. Click on Input/edit manually to paste the metadata in by hand. This can be useful if VSys Live isn't running at all yet. Clicking on Describe will tell you what VSys One knows about VSys Live based on its metadata.

Feature enabling

Feature enabling determines what your volunteers will be able to do through VSys Live for this site.



Enable check in

Allows volunteers to check in for their jobs online.

Enable hours entry

Allows volunteers to enter their own hours directly without having to check in and out for an assignment.

Enable job signup

Allows volunteers to select their own job assignments from the VSys Live interface.

Enable job cancellation

Allows volunteers to cancel their own job assignments from the VSys Live interface.

Enable training setup

Allows volunteers to select their own training schedule from the VSys Live interface.

Enable training cancellation

Allows volunteers to cancel their own training schedule from the VSys Live interface.


CSS entered here will be placed in the generated pages after the system CSS but before page-specific CSS.


JavaScript entered here will be placed in the generated pages after the system JavaScript but before page-specific JavaScript.

HTML metadata

Any content put here will put on each page as hidden HTML metadata. Do this to feed information to search engines that you don't want or need to be visible to regular site visitors.


This section controls how passwords and e-mails are automatically configured for logins for this site.


Only volunteers matching all of these criteria will be allowed to log in to VSys Live.

If the volunteer's password is blank, allow their 5-digit basic ID ...

If checked and the volunteer has no password assigned, her 5-digit basic ID (the value found in the upper-right corner of the Profile editor) can be used as her password on VSys Live.

If the volunteer's password is blank, allow their kiosk PIN ...

If checked and the volunteer has no password assigned, and she has a kiosk PIN assigned, that PIN can be used as her password on VSys Live.

Once an e-mail address has been used for web login...

If this is checked and a volunteer logs in via VSys Live using her e-mail address but does not have a VSys Live login, the volunteer's web login ID will be set to the e-mail address she used to sign in.

Allow kiosk PINs to be used for logging in

Enabling this allows the volunteer to always use her kiosk PIN for login without having to use an e-mail address. You'd generally use this for permitting login from within your facility.

Automatically expire VSys Live passwords

Setting this causes VSys Live to expire volunteer passwords automatically. If a Remind... value is set, VSys Live will prompt the user when she logs in and tell her that the password will expire but not require that she change it. After the password has expired VSys Live will not allow her to log in without first changing her password.

Log users out after inactivity

Defines how long the user's browser session can be inactive before VSys Live will consider that session to be expired and require that she log in again.

Check in/check out

If Enable check in is checked, volunteers can check in for their jobs online. Use the Required statuses, types and groups to filter which volunteers should be allowed access to this feature.
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Only volunteers matching all of these criteria will be allowed to check in/check out via VSys Live.

Jobs, Locations

If one or more jobs and/or locations are selected here, VSys Live will allow check in via this site only for these jobs/locations.

For people that don't have a current assignment...

These rules permit someone to check in for a job for which he doesn't have an assignment via a job association, recent assignment or recent credited hours.

For people with assignments, how early can they check in for their assignment

When a volunteer has an assignment, this sets how long before that assignment's scheduled start the volunteer can check in for that assignment.

No automatic check out

If checked, VSys will not automatically check anyone out of their assignments.

For people without assignments, how many hours can they be checked in for a job

If no other automatic checkout rules are applied, VSys Live will automatically check out a person who's checked in for an assignment after this duration.

For someone checked in for an assignment...

These define how much later after a volunteer's assignment VSys Live automatically checks him out if he has not checked out on his own, along with the rules for how many hours the volunteer is credited with if VSys Live does the checkout for the volunteer.

For someone checked in without an assignment

If a volunteer is checked in for a job that's not based on an assignment, these set the rules for when VSys Live automatically checks him out and how many hours it will credit him with.

Hours Entry

If Enable hours entry is checked, volunteers can enter hours worked online. Use the Required statuses, types and groups to filter which volunteers should be allowed access to this feature. Even if they are allowed to enter hours, you have the choice of approving hours before they are credited to the volunteer's account.
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Required statuses, Required eligibility checklists, Required types, Required groups

Only volunteers matching all of these criteria will be allowed to do manual hours entry via VSys Live.


If one or more jobs are selected here, VSys Live will allow hours entry via this site only for these jobs.

Newly-posted hours require approval

If this is checked, hours that the volunteer enters manually are not immediately credited to his account. Instead, you'll need to use the Process Downloaded Hours tool to approve/reject the hours.

Maximum self-entered duration

A value entered here limits the volunteer to this many hours at one time. Note that you can enter this value within the definition of individual jobs, and those values will override the value here when that job is selected.

How far in the past...

This sets the window of how long after an assignment a volunteer can log into the system and enter hours.

Hours comments

Hours comments provide a mechanism for volunteers to provide free-form information back to you when they check out. A comment template, if entered, becomes the default text that shows in VSys Live when the volunteer is prompted for any comments about her shift. Checking Convert checkout and hours entry comments to incoming messages tells VSys Live to create an incoming message from the comments entered at the end of a shift in addition to or instead of attaching those comments to the hours record itself.

Job signup

If Enable job signup is checked, volunteers are allowed to search and sign up for jobs through the VSys Live interface. The first options determine how your volunteers are going to be able to search (filter on) for jobs - by skills, preferences, location, etc.
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In job search results, include assignments marked as "Volunteer requests replacement"

VSys Live can optionally show volunteers assignments which are not associated with an open job slot: checking this box will also show as "openings" assignments which meet the volunteer's search criteria and for which the volunteer is eligible, if there's an assignment for another volunteer and that assignment's status is "Volunteer requests replacement".

Always hide ineligible jobs from volunteers

Check this to have VSys Live hide ineligible jobs in the search tool rather than showing those jobs and rejecting the volunteer if they try to select a job they're not allowed to have.

Required statuses, Required eligibility checklists, Required types, Required groups, Required lists

Only volunteers matching all of these criteria will be allowed to sign up for jobs via VSys Live.

Jobs, Locations

If one or more jobs and/or locations are selected here, VSys Live will allow check in via this site only for these jobs/locations.

Status given to new self-selected assignments

Pending approval or Normal. If you select Pending approval, you can easily see newly self-selected jobs in the View/edit job assignments tool and then individually approve or reject assignments that volunteers have chosen for themselves.

Permitted overlap between jobs

Some organizations overlap job assignments intentionally, for example having the phone bank jobs run from 9am-12:30pm, from 12pm-3:30pm and 3pm-6:30pm, and it's permitted for a volunteer to take both the 9am-12:30pm opening and the 12pm-3:30pm opening. Since VSys sees this as a conflict, VSys Live won't normally allow it. By setting a permitted overlap of 30 minutes, VSys Live allows this type of overlapping assignment.

To enforce a required gap between assignments, e.g. to prevent volunteers from selecting back-to-back openings, enter a negative value here. Entering -60 here would prevent a volunteer who has an assignment which ends at 1pm from selecting another that starts any earlier than 2pm.

Don't allow signup for a job unless there's at least this many minutes before the job's start time

Use this option to prevent a volunteer from signing up for a job at the last minute.

Maximum number of assignments with a status of "pending"

Set this option to limit how many assignments a volunteer can sign up for at a time.

Don't allow self-cancellation within this many days (days/hours)

Use this option to force volunteers to contact your volunteer office to cancel within this time window. That way you won't be surprised by "no-shows" that have cancelled online, but which no one knew about in a timely manner.

Self-cancellation marks assignment as "Volunteer requests replacement"

If this is checked and a volunteer cancels her assignment via VSys Live, her assignment's status will be changed to "Volunteer requests replacement" rather than "Cancelled by volunteer".

Job signup release forms

Enabling Release form required tells VSys Live to use special rules for self-selected jobs online. For volunteers who:

will have their self-selected assignments in VSys Live marked as "Pending release form".

Training signup

If Enable training signup is checked, volunteers can sign up for trainings and optionally cancel those trainings using VSys Live.
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Required statuses, Required eligibility checklists, Required types, Required groups

Only volunteers matching all of these criteria will be allowed to self-select trainings.

Status given to new trainings

When a volunteer signs up for a training online, the training is given this status. Use this, for example, to force all volunteer-selected trainings to the status of Pending if you want to manually approve each of these trainings.

Don't allow self-cancellation within this time period

Use this option to force volunteers to contact your volunteer office to cancel within this time window. That way you won't be surprised by "no-shows" who have cancelled online, but no one knew about in a timely manner.

Calendar and news

Checking Show site calendar items on personal calendars will show the current site's calendar items on a signed-in volunteer's personal calendar.

A VSys Live site can show calendar and news items from other VSys Live sites using this database without having to explicitly create duplicate items on every site. Normally you wouldn't want all calendar items to show on all sites, so you can use news/calendar item tags to designate which ones are seen on which sites.

Where open job slots are shown in VSys Live by checking Show on main calendar in VSys Live while volunteers still needed in the job slot's properties, you can filter which of those slots show on this site by filtering on Jobs, Locations and Tags.

Application forms

The settings here control what types of files are permitted and de-permitted for use as uploaded files on application forms. If Upload file types allowed is blank, all types are allowed except those checked under Upload file types disallowed.

E-mail Robot settings

In most cases VSys Live and VOXI, when running on their designated servers, can deliver mail using the same settings as the Standalone E-mail Robot. That's not always the case: VSys Live's server may be more locked-down, or have different network settings. In that case, check Override system SMTP (outbound mail) server settings, and enter the settings that VSys Live should use for outbound mail delivery. The Standalone E-mail Robot will then use its settings, and VOXI will use these.

See Also

VSys Live Sites


VSys Live Global Settings

VSys Live Blocks

VSys Live Images

VSys Live Agreements

VSys Live Calendar Items

VSys Live Downloadable Files

VSys Live Login Notifications

VSys Live Menus

VSys Live News Setup

VSys Live News/Calendar Item Tags

VSys Live Online Trainings

VSys Live Open Schedule Jobs

VSys Live Options

VSys Live Pages

VSys Live Recurring Assignments

VSys Live RSS Feeds

VSys Live Self-Cancellation Rules

VSys Live Self-Run Reports

VSys Live Static HTML Blocks

VSys Live Suggested Jobs Criteria

VSys Live Translations

VSys Live Visibility Rules

VSys Live Walkup Check in Jobs

VSys Live Instances