VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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VSys Live Open Schedule Jobs

Open schedule jobs are jobs that volunteers can sign up for via VSys Live but which do not generate real assignments. Instead they're used for things like "We need an intern" or "Technical help wanted". Use this to recruit skills based volunteers.

These jobs can be searched using the job signup tool in VSys Live. Once a volunteer signs up for an open schedule job he gets an assignment for the underlying job. That assignment has a blank Start date so you can find those assignments and handle them manually by contacting the volunteer to determine eligibility and possibly create a schedule of real assignments.

See Also

VSys Live Sites


VSys Live Global Settings

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VSys Live Blocks

VSys Live Images

VSys Live Agreements

VSys Live Calendar Items

VSys Live Downloadable Files

VSys Live Login Notifications

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VSys Live Pages

VSys Live Recurring Assignments

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VSys Live Self-Cancellation Rules

VSys Live Self-Run Reports

VSys Live Static HTML Blocks

VSys Live Suggested Jobs Criteria

VSys Live Translations

VSys Live Visibility Rules

VSys Live Walkup Check in Jobs

VSys Live Instances