VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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VSys Live Agreements

Agreements in VSys Live are formal bits of text displayed to volunteers to which those volunteers must indicate agreement. Common uses for these would be to confirm acceptance of policy statements, privacy regulations, or documents dictated by your legal or risk management departments.

When a volunteer accepts an agreement in VSys Live, VSys creates a certification of the type you specify. That certification can then in turn be used as a filter in jobs, eligibility checklists, VSys Live visibility rules, etc.

Creating VSys Live Agreements

Define agreements in the VSys Live Sites and Settings tool by clicking on Agreements. Click on Add agreement to create a new one, click on an agreement to edit it or right-click on an agreement to delete or make it inactive.


This is your description of the agreement.


If checked, the agreement will not be visible anywhere in VSys Live but is not deleted.

Display description

How this will be named when shown to the volunteer.

Earliest date available, Last date available

Dates during which this type of agreement can be visible in VSys Live.


When a volunteer accepts this agreement, VSys will create or update this type of certification. If the volunteer has this certification type and it is currently valid, VSys will consider this agreement to be valid and accepted until that certification expires.

Valid for how long

When the certification is created or updated, its expiration will be this many days in the future.

Show how far before renewal date

This many days before an existing certification expires, the agreement will be eligible to be shown on VSys Live. Set this to greater than zero so the volunteer has the opportunity to renew the agreement before its expiration.

Agreement text

Your text as you want it displayed in VSys Live. (HTML formatting is permitted in this field.)

Checkbox caption

The text that will be shown in a checkbox below the agreement in VSys Live.

Agree button caption

This will be the text of the button that the volunteer must click.

Only with jobs

Only volunteers who have assignments in these jobs and during the specified timeframe will be shown this agreement.

Eligible types, Volunteer types, Lists, Groups

Only volunteers who meet these criteria will be shown this agreement.

Using agreements in VSys Live

To display to the volunteer a list of agreements, place an Agreements block on one or more pages in VSys Live. The block itself will only show those agreements the volunteer has not confirmed (based on the presence and current validity of the certification). When the volunteer clicks on an agreement link, VSys Live will display the agreement and prompt him with your text, checkbox and prompt.

See Also

VSys Live Sites


VSys Live Global Settings

VSys Live Site Settings

VSys Live Blocks

VSys Live Images

VSys Live Calendar Items

VSys Live Downloadable Files

VSys Live Login Notifications

VSys Live Menus

VSys Live News Setup

VSys Live News/Calendar Item Tags

VSys Live Online Trainings

VSys Live Open Schedule Jobs

VSys Live Options

VSys Live Pages

VSys Live Recurring Assignments

VSys Live RSS Feeds

VSys Live Self-Cancellation Rules

VSys Live Self-Run Reports

VSys Live Static HTML Blocks

VSys Live Suggested Jobs Criteria

VSys Live Translations

VSys Live Visibility Rules

VSys Live Walkup Check in Jobs

VSys Live Instances