VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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VSys Live Online Trainings

VSys Live lets you define online trainings that you can then offer to your volunteers.

Note that VSys Live online trainings is an add-on module that may require purchasing a special license.

Field name



A description for your own use. This is the description that will appear to the volunteer on the list of available online trainings.


A training subject. When a volunteer takes an online course, a training record with this subject will be created in her profile.

Online vendor

"YouTube" and "External content" are only available options.

YouTube video URL

The link to your online training.

First date show, Last date shown

If set, this online training is only available when the current date is between these dates.

Confirmation prompt

If a volunteer selects this course he'll be shown this prompt before being sent to the course.


Select a quiz to test the student after the training has been displayed.

Don't show answers summary at the end of the quiz

Normally VSys Live shows a listing of questions with the correct answers at the end of the quiz. Check this box to prevent VSys Live from showing that summary.

Passing score

To be considered to have passed this course, a student must get at least this score on the followup quiz. (VSys tells you the maximum possible score based on the current settings for the quiz.)

Credit students with volunteer hours

To give volunteer hours to students who successfully pass this course, check this box and select the job and duration to credit them with.

Required prerequisite trainings

If any of these are checked, the student will not be eligible for this training unless all of the prerequisite trainings have been successfully completed.

Only available if volunteer does not have a current training in this subject, Or current training expires soon

If Only available... is checked, volunteers who have a current (completed, non-expired) training in this subject won't be able to take this online course. If Or current training expires soon is checked then a volunteer who has a current training in this subject but that training expires within the given number of days will be allowed to take the course.

People types, Groups, People statuses

Only volunteers who meet these criteria will be shown this online training.

Just defining an online training here does not make that training available to your volunteers: for them to see the list of online trainings the "Online trainings" block must be added to a page on the VSys Live site.

In This Section

VSys Live Online Training Quizzes

See Also

VSys Live Sites


VSys Live Global Settings

VSys Live Site Settings

VSys Live Blocks

VSys Live Images

VSys Live Agreements

VSys Live Calendar Items

VSys Live Downloadable Files

VSys Live Login Notifications

VSys Live Menus

VSys Live News Setup

VSys Live News/Calendar Item Tags

VSys Live Open Schedule Jobs

VSys Live Options

VSys Live Pages

VSys Live Recurring Assignments

VSys Live RSS Feeds

VSys Live Self-Cancellation Rules

VSys Live Self-Run Reports

VSys Live Static HTML Blocks

VSys Live Suggested Jobs Criteria

VSys Live Translations

VSys Live Visibility Rules

VSys Live Walkup Check in Jobs

VSys Live Instances