VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Self-cancelled Assignment

This is probably the most-requested notification of all: being informed about a volunteer cancelling her own assignment.

Assignments cancelled in VSys One versions prior to 2.1 don't generate the "transitions" records needed for this event to work; the assignment must be cancelled by version 2.1 or later.

If you just make a new assignment with a status of Cancelled by volunteer, VSys won't detect that as a "Self-cancelled assignment". Why? VSys doesn't look at the current status of the assignment when it's first searching for records to use here, instead it looks for records which once had some status other Cancelled by volunteer but now have one that is Cancelled by volunteer. (That also means that an assignment whose status was changed by an older version of VSys One won't qualify here, either.)

VSys doesn't know that the volunteer herself did the cancellation, instead it detects that the assignment's status was changed to Cancelled by volunteer within the Cancelled between window.

One notification is generated for each assignment meeting your criteria here, each with the volunteer's name and information about the assignment.

See Also


Account Lockout


Assignment Cancelled for Lack of Release Form

Assignment Pending Release Form

Assignment Reminder

Assignment Statuses



Certifications Expiring

Concurrent User License Counts

Eligibility/Intake Checklist

HHS/Office of Inspector General Excluded Persons

Hours Pending Approval

Incoming Messages

Indices Need Updating

Interview Reminder

Kiosk Login/Logout


New Assignment

New Interview

New Training Record

Recurring Assignments Ending

Self-cancelled Interview

Self-cancelled Training

Slots Needing Volunteers

Social Media Status Check

Standalone E-mail Robot Not Running

Trace (Audit Log) Records

Training Reminder

Training Statuses

Trainings Expiring


Volunteer Check in

Volunteer Missing

Volunteer Still Checked in

Volunteer With No Recent Hours

VSys Live Account Lockout

VSys Live Application

VSys Live Queued Reports

VSys Web Applications

VSys Web Applications Pending Approval

VSys Web New Applications Need Download

VSys Web New Hours Need Download