Custom Integrations

Custom Integrations

VSys can accept simple data imported using the Interactive File Importer. VSys can send data out using the Advanced Exporter. And of course there's the Timeclock module for those types of inbound data feeds.

But what happens when you want to do something interesting? Our Scripted Integration Module provides for:

  • Multiple inbound and outbound data feeds.
  • Conditional processing (inbound and outbound) using a scripting language built into the tool itself.
  • Staged imports with delayed processing.
  • Duplicate record detection.
  • Scheduled processing.
  • Multiple data formats possible (Excel, dBase, tab delimited, comma delimited, etc.)
  • User-configurable properties.

Using the Scripted Integration Module, health screenings, background results, training records, etc. can be scheduled and processed between the two systems to keep both up-to-date with a minimum of manual intervention when those system support any type of flat file data transfers.

Note that integration scripts are not designed or intended to be created by clients. The actual import/export feeds are created and tested by the VSys One team and provided in read-only form for use under the agreed-to terms.

Example: Enterprise Health

This Enterprise Health integration is configured to send qualifying volunteers, both new and existing, to the employee health system for screening. New and existing volunteers and their demographics data are sent from VSys One where they're managed to Enterprise Health where results are entered.

Export of volunteers to Enterprise Health

Qualifying volunteers are sent to Enterprise Health via SFTP as a quote/comma-delimited text file if they meet certain criteria pertaining to active status and type, or have previously been sent. A volunteer who has become inactive is sent this way as well in order to deactivate their profile in Enterprise Health.

These files are generated once per weekday in the same format with a common naming structure, and consumed by Enterprise Health on its own schedule.

Import of clearances records from Enterprise Health

On a daily basis, Enterprise Health exports a normalized delimited file with any records changed within the past seven days.

  • Each record corresponds to specific observation code(s) within EH.
  • The file contents will be based upon records inserted within the past day for only volunteer charts.
  • All results sent indicate a final result for a particular item.
    • Flu
    • Drug/toxicology screening
    • TB surveillance
    • TB symptom questionnaires
  • VSys One applies the then-appropriate expiration logic to tests/results above based on the rules in the associated certifications, either creating new or updating existing certifications.
VSys has really helped us move our entire onboarding process online. From the application, to signing agreements and capturing copies of IDs, we no longer rely on paper or email submissions! In addition, VSys has integrated with our hospitals Employee Health Clinic records so medical clearance to volunteer flows from the clinic into VSys without the need for us to email or print out test results! Ellie Kalatzi Houston Methodist Hospitals Project Manager to Vice President of Operations Example: Tessitura

The Smithsonian Associates uses Tessitura for their ticketing system to create, schedule and ticket events which are then run by volunteers. To make this happen seamlessly,

  • Tessitura sends a daily export of all scheduled events and their details (when, where, description, requirements, etc.) to VSys via SFTP.
  • VSys in turn creates and manages these as slots which open up for volunteer selection at the appropriate point in time.
  • After volunteers sign up, those assignments are approved or rejected by Associates staff, at which point the appropriate notifications and reminders are sent to volunteers.
  • Any changes to event schedules? Automatically propagated from Tessitura to VSys, eliminating the duplicated efforts of managing events in two systems: Tessitura and VSys make the work easy.
Example: Employee Health (OHM)

This system is configured to send qualifying volunteers, both new and existing, to the employee health system for screening. Data from multiple VSys One databases (this is a multi-hospital system, each operating independently) is sent to OHM. In turn, OHM provides consolidated screening information back to VSys, without OHM understanding that the files will be consumed by multiple, independent VSys systems.

Export of volunteers to OHM

Qualifying volunteers are sent to OHM in a comma-delimited text file if they meet certain criteria pertaining to active status. This file contains:

  • Multiple fixed values, e.g. all volunteers are assigned the same department code.
  • An automatically-created ID code specific to this project. That ID code is generated the first time the volunteer is sent to OHM.
  • A secondary ID code that's a function of the first ID code.
  • Only records which do not match the most previously sent values are included. For example a volunteer who's had a property not tracked by OHM such as Group won't be re-sent unless the data that would be sent to OHM is different from the value last sent.

These files are generated once per weekday in the same format with a common naming structure, and consumed by OHM on its own schedule.

Import of records from OHM

Two files are created by OHM with medical data about a volunteer's TB tests/inoculations and flu shots. These files are dropped into a common folder and consumed by VSys on its own schedule.

VSys imports the entirety of each file, staging it for later validation and processing. The processing script then checks each record, and:

  • Records associated with a different VSys database (another hospital) are skipped.
  • The volunteer is looked up based on the special ID code provided to OHM during the initial transfer and later updates. Any record not corresponding to an active volunteer is flagged for exception handling.
  • VSys uses conditional logic to determine if the incoming record represents a valid (compliant) TB or flu record, and updates or creates the associated certification(s) in each volunteer profiles.
  • Updates and exceptions are logged and delivered to the appropriate parties. Any exception records are available for manual handling.
Example: Workday

Spectrum Health uses a combination of Workday and VSys One: recruiting, scheduling and communicating with volunteers in VSys (of course), but also pushing those volunteers into Workday for HR purposes.

To do this,

  • Workday positions/"seats" are created and managed in Workday.
  • Those seats are sent to VSys where they become "ERP Positions" that volunteer managers can assign to individual volunteers.
  • New volunteers are sent to Workday where they get worker IDs that are then sent to VSys.
  • HR-type demographics are managed in Workday, and changes to those flow back into VSys.

All of these processes are 100% automated with data flowing between the two systems via SFTP.

Example: American Board of Anesthesiology

The American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) uses VSys One and VSys Live as an adjunct to their membership management system. Some data is managed directly in VSys (members use VSys Live to track trainings, hours, board associations and others), some data such as demographics, certifications, and waivers is primarily tracked in their membership system.

To keep VSys up-to-date with the data from their membership system, a multi-page Excel file is exported to VSys, which processes it using five scripted feeds:

  1. The demographics feed finds the existing member by the membership ID code, updates name, phones, addresses and various custom fields (1 row per member).
  2. The licenses feed finds and creates or updates medical license certifications (0+ rows per member).
  3. The waivers feed updates custom fields, deletes existing waiver certifications, and creates new ones (0+ rows per member).
  4. The credits feed creates administrative fee credit items/account records (0+ rows per member).
  5. The certificates feed deletes existing time limited and not-time limited certifications and creates new ones (0+ rows per member)

Managing this data with a "normal" importing tool would require at least five passes (one per spreadsheet tab), and tons of manual work. Using the Scripted Integration Module, VSys can completely automate this process.

  • The entire Excel file is imported on a scheduled basis.
  • Conforming records are processed automatically.
  • Non-conforming records (bad data, missing members) are staged for later handling but do not prevent the processing of valid records.