VSys Live
VSys Live is our premium web interface for the VSys One volunteer management system. (VSys Web remains available and free for customers with current support contracts.) With VSys Live, volunteers can log on from any computer with internet access and sign up, select job openings, track hours, view their calendar and upcoming events, and send & receive messages. Job searching can be done by location, date, skills, job group and project and openings always reflect the latest enrollments so you don't get too many people in a single job.
VSys Live is hosted on your hardware (or ours if you're cloud hosted) directly alongside VSys One (we give it to you as a pre-configured environment that you can drop directly into your existing VMWare infrastructure). This gives you total control of the security of your data and also allows VSys Live to constantly stay up-to-date on job listings, volunteer hours, and more without the need to synchronize with an external system.
VSys Live offers:
- Volunteers discover, apply and schedule themselves.
- Customized applications, on-boarding tracks and fields.
- Interactive scheduling, surveys & check-ins.
- Automated background and reference checks.
- Read & sign documents online or upload files.
- Live signup for shifts with real-time information about openings.
- Hours entry with metrics tracking.
- Secure messaging tools.
- Let volunteers view their own histories and run reports with their own data.
- Form updating so that volunteers can update their existing data without filling out forms from scratch.
- Design your own pages and include only the functionality you want your volunteers to use.
Optional features include:
- Online volunteer training module.
- Forms with decision trees.
- Workflow and approval rules.
- External application approval.
- Reference checks completed online by references.
- Custom CSS/branding.
- Interactive SMS (text message) check in/check out.
- Schedule lookup tool.
- Manage employees' volunteer engagement.
- Have multiple VSys Live websites connected to the same VSys One database but have each site use its own look, feel and functionality!